Fridays From the Garden Cookbook

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Fridays From the Garden Cookbook

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Product Description

With stories by Richard Christiansen, a foreword by Martha Stewart, and recipes from local chefs, Fridays From the Garden is a collection of over 150 recipes from a year spent at Flamingo Estate. It’s a cookbook, but it’s more than that, too. This is the story of a house that became a brand and a brand that became a rallying cry for regenerative farming and Pleasure from the Garden.


Culled from the best-of-the-best recipes that were tucked into each Friday’s Regenerative Farm Box, this book is a testament to a new-found connection to the natural world at a time we needed it most. It’s a monument to the pleasures of the Flamingo Estate garden, the people that keep it buzzing, and the myriad ways Mother Nature takes care of us when we take care of her.


  • Flamingo Estate
  • Fridays From the Garden
  • 150+ recipes
  • 423 pages
  • Manufacturer Style No. FRIDAYS-GARDEN-COOKBOOK

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Flamingo Estate Fridays From the Garden Cookbook Flamingo Estate Fridays From the Garden Cookbook Flamingo Estate Fridays From the Garden Cookbook Flamingo Estate Fridays From the Garden Cookbook Flamingo Estate Fridays From the Garden Cookbook Flamingo Estate Fridays From the Garden Cookbook Flamingo Estate Fridays From the Garden Cookbook
Flamingo Estate

Flamingo Estate

Flamingo Estate is a home and garden. It’s the story of a lush orchard on a California hillside overlooking Los Angeles and the many hands that have helped tend it. It’s a philosophy that champions slow ways and ancient practices. It’s a quest for intimacy — between plants and people, body and spirit, heaven and earth.

Things at Flamingo Estate take time and patience as they’re meant to. There’s dreaming involved, and growing, and trial and error. Their products evoke the belief in the power of the human hand, in collaboration with Mother Nature, to make beauty. 

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